Ariana Ost

Ariana Ost Kid's Mask Chain - Liberty Floral Fabric And Aura Quartz Healing Crystal

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Whimsical mask chain made with healing crystal aura quartz. Liberty fabric eloise with pink and blue florals stitched with two precious bows. When worn down it looks like a necklace when worn up and mask is on it looks like earrings!!! Aura Quartz is a very powerful healing crystal that provides strength and positive energy. The aura coating is vaporized gold to make the stone have an ab iridescent effect. The stones are so delicate and add shimmer and magical affect. Perfect piece to wear with your mask of choice and have handy when needed. Jewelry approach to design for a functional item. Make protective gear into a bejeweled statement. Incredible brass hooks that look beautiful and serve a great function. Versatile style with healing crystals.
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