
Frequent Flyer 4-Piece Travel Set

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Saks Fifth Avenue
WHAT IT IS This set includes a memory foam neck pillow, travel pillowcase, face covering, and sleep mask crafted of slipsilk to provide comfort and protect the skin and hair while traveling. Silk. Machine wash. Imported.' FOUR-PIECE SET INCLUDES Travel Pillow with Removable Pillowcase Pure Silk Sleep Mask Pure Silk Reusable Face Covering WHAT IT DOES Slipsilk provides the ultimate combination of shine, thickness, softness, and durability reducing friction and protecting the skin and hair. Warnings/Disclaimers: The Slip reusable face covering is neither a medical device nor personal protective equipment (PPE). It should not be used by healthcare professionals, in healthcare/clinical environments or settings, or when the use of a medical device or PPE is required. The slip reusable face covering is not designed to prevent or protect from any form of risk to a person's health or safety, illness, or disease (or otherwise). The slip reusable face covering does not cause damages to, nor bring additional risks for, users according to its intended use. Do not use this face covering on young children under age 2; any person who has trouble breathing; and any person who is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the face covering without assistance.
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